Read below for Testimonials about Citizen King: The New Age of Power, Personal Power Fundamentals, and Les Jensen.
Citizen King: The New Age of Power
“In a recent blog I posted on my website I confessed to having been a serious co-dependent. Much to, I’m sure my husband’s dismay! But We live in a society that perpetuates this quality and so I know I am not alone in this experience. But what does co-dependency look like? How does it play itself out in our lives? For me it was like a vortex that drew the life force right out of me. Thankfully through the reflective mindful awareness training, over time I began to let go of this dysfunctional pattern, I recognized that co-dependency kept me small, disempowered and oppressed, and it drained an incredible amount of energy that I could have been putting towards my own growth, health, freedom, and personal power. In essence it kept me from becoming who I was meant to become and it kept me from expressing my own unique gifts with the world.
Personal sovereignty, agency, and personal power are qualities that so many millions of us have lost over the course of our lives but because every single one of us was born with these qualities, we have access to them at any time. It is only that we need to unlearn certain things that are perpetuated in our society and we need to learn other things that can help us amplify our own unique geniuses because every single one of us has within us a wellspring of power and when more and more of us move into an expression of our lives that is authentically us, we will begin to co-create the more beautiful world we all know in our heart’s is possible. Thankfully, Les Jensen’s book Citizen King came into my life at just the right moment and was a key component in my decision to create Revolutionary Wellness Talk Radio. There is such a profound clarity to his message and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone interested in accessing and expressing his or her own personal power and healing dysfunctional egoic tendencies.”
~ Rochelle Mclaughlin
5.0 out of 5 stars . This is a Must Read for Anyone interested in Stepping into their Authentic Self and Fulfilling a Meaningful Life of Purpose, December 14, 2016
“This book gave me a step by step method by which to gain personal power. It is the first book of this type that got out of the etherical realm and gave nuts and bolts. I would recommend this book to everyone, but especially anyone who is stuck and needs to find a path forward. I never even knew that personal power was something I needed. Turns out, it can dramatically change every aspect of your life.”
~ John H.
Personal Power Fundamentals
“In his book, Personal Power Fundamentals, Les Jensen offers a new, different, powerful view and understanding of how we interact with our world. He has refined the old-fashioned views of old ideas. For example, in Les’ view, “Karma” is not something you are stuck with and cannot change, but rather, it is something you can completely control, and by doing so you can greatly improve your life. Your karma is effected by your own life experiences!
Les shares a new concept of “Personal Energy” which I feel is much more straightforward and usable in daily life than deciphering stacks of psychology books. In fact, I feel that some of the examples in Personal Power Fundamentals are more relatable and understandable for the average person than many technical psychology or self-help books.
The underpinnings of your subconscious thoughts and how your subconscious “Energy” affects your daily life, as explained by Les, are life-changing. It is one thing to understand the effects of subconscious energy, but it is another thing to do something about it! Les supplies the tools and insights to help you understand yourself, and to change your personal energy, so that you can be in control of your own life and better enjoy the life that you are living. This also improves others’ lives as well.
Les has diligently worked to define and explain “Personal Power” and “Energy” in ways that clearly coexist with any religions that I know of, as well as current views of psychology, in my humble opinion.
Les questions and redefines the current use of many words in the English lexicon, with new and more meaningful perspectives. I enjoyed many of the real-life analogies that bring these points home. I highly recommend that you check out Personal Power Fundamentals and Les Jensen’s new view of the world in which we live.”
~ Eliot Case, CEO Panamax35
Testimonials for Les Jensen
All I can say is that when you speak with Les he gives off an aura of comfort and positive energy. After our conversation a new perspective became clear in my mind and I began implementing his advice and began to notice a huge difference in my thoughts and a greater awareness in how my body feels. Les has truly assisted in the release of negative energy, thoughts, and beliefs that were inhibiting me from moving forward in my life. Les, I truly do appreciate you and your services. Keep up the power of your work!
~ Demetrios Tzortzis
I really appreciated the quiet clarity with which Les speaks and the simple brilliance of his processes to help others discover and manage their ability to create what they want. His system has been very helpful to me; his understanding of how to work with one’s energy patterns and deepest subconscious thoughts and emotions is just wonderful! Get his CDs, hear him speak in person, and engage him as a Personal Transformation Coach, you will be glad you did!
~ Paul Hoyt, Author – Consultant – Speaker
“My experience with Lester is nearly beyond my capability to describe. The personal transformation that has resulted from what can only be described as life transforming. He has completely changed how I handle my thoughts and emotions. I am now in control of exactly how I feel. When Les explained his concept and how it applied to me I was skeptical as to how much it could really help me. I didn’t fully understand how it would work but I was intrigued enough and I trusted him enough to try what he said. What amazed me the most was how quickly BIG changes started to happen. It was immediate and permanent! I have a control over my life that I never had before and it’s continuing to improve. If there is a single person who has had an immediate and powerful life changing impact on me, it’s you my friend. You changed my life!
~ Jason
“I met Les Jensen while I was struggling with a personal issue that had reoccurred for as long as I could remember. Maybe he had seen my problem before or maybe it’s just a common problem, but somehow, Les “read me like a book” and described precisely the self-sabotaging behaviors that had affected me my entire life. We discussed how I contributed to this issue and then Les described some exercises that would help me change my behavioral pattern. I have been following Les’ advice, and as a result, I am much stronger and feel that I am on a much more positive path. I would recommend his services to anyone interested in making positive changes in their life.”
~ Mickey